ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Assam



Head (NRM) and Scientist In charge, Principal Scientist

Qualification: M.Sc ( Agronomy), AAU, Jorhat,

 Ph D. (Agronomy), Central University, Viswa-Bharati,

Post. Doc. (SSNM)

Discipline: Agronomy

Area of Interest: Precision Agriculture, Crop diversification, Soil and water Management.

Email Address: lkbicar@gmail.com


Baishya, S. K., Sangtam, H. M., Tungoe, M., Meyase, M., Tongoe, Z., Deka, B. C., … & Ray, S. (2021). Empowering Rural Tribal Youth Through Agripreneurship –Evidence from a Case Study in North East India. Current Science, 1854-1862.
Baishya, L. K., Kawikhonliu, Z., Lotha, M. M., & Rajkhowa, D. J. (2022). Performance of maize (Zea mays) varieties in different cropping geometry with greengram (Vigna radiata). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(12), 1496-1501.
Baishya, L. K., Walling, N., Jamir, T., Ray, S. K., Kumar, M., Sangma, C., & Rajkhowa, D. J. (2022). Eco-friendly nutrient management practices for increasing cropping cycle in shifting cultivation. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(2), 226-230.
Baishya, L. K., Mishra, S. D., & Singh, T. (2021). Site-specific nutrient management in rice (Oryza sativa): Status and prospect–A review. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12), 1703-1708.
Baishya, L. K., Jamir, T., Walling, N., & Rajkhowa, D. J. (2021). Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.)+ legume intercropping system for productivity, profitability, energy budgeting and soil health in hill terraces of eastern himalayan region. Legume Research-An International Journal, 44(11), 1343-1347.
Baishya, L. K., Rathore, S. S., Sarkar, D., Jamir, T., & Rajkhowa, D. J. (2019). Crop and varietal diversification for enhancing productivity and profitability of rice fallow system in eastern Himalayan region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(5), 800-805.
Baishya, L. K., Sarkar, D., Jamir, T., & Rajkhowa, D. J. (2019). Effect of foliar application of zinc and iron on growth, yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa) in acid soils of eastern Himalayan region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8), 1312-6.
Sarkar, D., Baishya, L. K., Meitei, C. B., Naorem, G. C., Thokchom, R. C., Singh, J., … & Rahman, F. H. (2018). Can sustainability of maize-mustard cropping system be achieved through balanced nutrient management? Field Crops Research, 225, 9-21.
Baishya, L. K., Ansari, M. A., Singh, R., Deka, B. C., Prakash, N., & Ngachan, S. V. (2014). Response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) cultivars to integrated nutrient management on productivity, profitability and nutrient uptake in NEH Region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(5), 612-615.
Sarkar, D., Baishya, L. K., Meitei, C. B., Naorem, G. C., Thokchom, R. C., Singh, J., … & Rahman, F. H. (2018). Can sustainability of maize-mustard cropping system be achieved through balanced nutrient management? Field Crops Research, 225, 9-21.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

  • IFS model suitable for small and marginal farmers of Nagaland
  • Rain water harvesting and its efficient utilisation in hill agriculture
  • Zhum improvement through crop diversification and intensification for food and nutrition security of tribal farmers

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  • ISA Fellow2021
  • Outstanding Scientist Award – 2021
  • Best Researcher Award- 2021

Senior Scientist

Qualification: Ph.D. (Agricultural Statistics) IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Agricultural Statistics

Email Address: arpan.bhowmik@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest: Design of Experiments, Applied Statistics, Multivariate Statistics, Machine Learning, Social Research, Informatics


1.Bhowmik, Arpan, Varghese, E., Jaggi, S. and Varghese, C. (2017). Minimally changed run sequences in factorial experiments. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 46(15), 7444-7459. (NAAS Rating: 6.80)

2.Bhowmik, Arpan, Gupta, R. K., Jaggi, S., Varghese, E., Harun, M., Varghese, C. and Datta, A. (2023). On the Construction of Trend Resistant PBIB Designs. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 52(2), 4052-4064 (NAAS Rating: 6.90)

3.Bhowmik, Arpan, Jaggi, S., Varghese, E. and Varghese, C. (2021). A Note on Optimal Directional Neighbour Designs with Random Block Effect. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 50 (3), 865-880 (NAAS Rating: 6.90)

4.Sarkar, K. A., Jaggi, S., Bhowmik, Arpan, Varghese, E., Varghese, C., Datta, A. and Dalal, A. (2022). Trend resistant general efficiency balanced block designs for two disjoint sets of treatments. REVSTAT – Statistical Journal. Available online at https://revstat.ine.pt/index.php/REVSTAT/article/view/506 (NAAS rating: 6+ 0.90 IF=6.90)

5.Malyan, S. K., Bhatia, A., Tomer, R., Harit, R. C., Jain, N., Bhowmik, Arpan and Kaushik, R. (2021). Mitigation of yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from rice through biological interventions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14210-z (NAAS Rating: 11.80)

6.Keerthiraj, M.,  Bhowmik, Arpan, Saha, S., Dutta, A., Chawla, G., Kundu, A. (2022). Optimisation of patchoulol in the lipid-soluble concentrates of Pogostemon cablin using response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with genetic algorithms (GA). Industrial Crops and Products. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114826 (NAAS Rating: 11.90)

7.Varghese, E., Bhowmik, Arpan, Jaggi, S., Varghese, C. and Kaur, C. (2017). On the generation of cost effective response surface designs. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 133, 37–45. (NAAS Rating: 14.30)

8.Singh, P., Purakayastha, T.J., Mitra, S., Bhowmik, Arpan, Tsang, D.C.W. (2020). River water irrigation on heavy metal load influencing soil biological activities and risk factors. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110517 (NAAS Rating: 14.70)

9.Saha, N. D., Kumari, P. Das, B., Sahoo, R. N., Kumar, R., Golui, D., Singh, B., Jain, N., Bhatia, A., Chaudhary, A., Chakraborty, B., Bhowmik, Arpan, Saha, P. and Islam, S. (2024). Vis-NIR spectroscopy based rapid and non-destructive method to quantitate microplastics: An emerging contaminant in farm soil. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172088 (NAAS Rating: 15.80)

  1. Sarkar, R., Bhowmik, Arpan, Kundu, A., Dutta, A., Nain, L., Chawla, G. and Saha, S. (2021). Inulin from Pachyrhizus erosus root and its production intensification using evolutionary algorithm approach and response surface methodology. Carbohydrate Polymers, 11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117042 (NAAS Rating: 17.20)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

1.ICAR Recognized Technology: Methodology for Sustainable Livelihood Security Analysis

in Integrated Farming Systems [Number: ICAR-NRM-IIFSR-Methodology-2023-042] [Co-


2.ICAR Recognized Technology: Web Generation of Generalized Row-column Designs

(webGRC)   [Number: ICAR-AED-IASRI-Technology-2023-028] [Co-developer]

3.R Packages developed: a) R package: FMC Version 1.0.1 [developer] b) R package:

minimalRSD Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer] c) R package: rsdNE Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer]

  1. d) R Package: NBBDesigns Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer] e) R Package: PolycrossDesigns

Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer] f) R Package: MixedLevelRSDs Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer] g)

R Package: GRCdesigns Version 1.0.0 [Co-developer]

4.Copyright: Web generation of factorial experiments with minimum level changes in run

sequences (webFMC)

5.Copyright: Web Generation of Polycross Designs (webPD)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

1.IARI Merit Medal-2014 for outstanding academic performance in Ph.D. programme across all the disciplines of PG School, IARI at the 52nd convocation of PG School, IARI

2.Financial Grant (Application No. – ITS/5049/2017-18) worth INR 1,91,385/- under International Travel Support Scheme of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (GOI) for Young Scientist to participate in III LACSC: Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing held during 27-02-2018 to 02-03-2018 in SAN JOSÉ,COSTA RICA.

3.Team Award: Research Data Management in ICAR the KRISHI [Agricultural Knowledge Resources and Information System Hub for Innovations] Portal (https://krishi.icar.gov.in) received Gold Icon in Open Data Category under Digital India Award 2020 given by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India

4.Dr. G.R. Seth Memorial Young Scientist Award-2015 by Indian Society of Agricultural Science

5.Young Scientist Award -2018 for contribution in agricultural sciences by COBACAS



Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag) in Agronomy, BHU, Varanasi, UP

Ph.D. (Agronomy) IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Agronomy

Email Address: mandi.sunil@gmail.com

Area of Interest: Soil fertility and plant nutrition, Biofortification, organic farming


  1. Sunil Mandi, Bikas Mandal, S. Kasturi Krishna and D. Damodar Reddy (2019). Effect of integrated weed management on weed growth and yield of winter maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agronomy 64 (3): 65–69.
  2. Mandi Sunil and Shivay Yashbir Singh. 2021. Performance of Basmati rice as influenced by green manuring and sulphur fertilization. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91:105-108.
  3. Mandi Sunil, Shivay Yashbir Singh, Prasanna Radha, Kumar Dinesh, Purakayastha Tapan Jyoti, Pooniya Vijay, Nayak Somanath, Raihan Obaidullah, Baral Kirttiranjan, Pal Madan (2022) Improving micronutrient density in basmati rice and durum wheat through summer green manuring and elemental sulfur fertilisation. Crop & Pasture Science, 73, 804-816.
  4. Shivay, YS., Prasanna, R., Mandi, S., Kanchan, A., Simranjit, S., Nayak, S., Baral, K., Sirohi, M., Nain, Lata., 2022. Cyanobacterial inoculation enhances nutrient use efficiency and grain quality of basmati rice in the system of rice intensification. ACS Agricultural Science and Technology, 2:742-753.
  5. Nayak, S., Shivay, YS., Prasanna, R., Mandi, S. 2022. Effect of biofortified and non-biofortified varieties and zinc fertilization strategies on growth, productivity and profitability of rice. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 13 (10): 1003-1011.
  6. Baral, K., Shivay, YS., Prasanna, R., Kumar, D., Shrivastava, M., Chakraborty, D., Kumar, R., Srinivasarao, C., Mandi, S., Nayak, S., Reddy, KS., Yashavanth, BS. 2023 Interplay between nano zinc oxide-coated urea and summer green manuring in basmati rice under basmati rice-wheat cropping system: implications on yield response, nutrient acquisition and grain fortification. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System, 7:1187717.
  7. Nayak, S., Shivay, YS., Prasanna, R., Mandi, S., Kumar, D., et al. 2023. Non-Biofortified Rice Variety Responds More to Zinc Fertilization Than Biofortified Variety in Terms of Zinc Translocation and Biofortification. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23: 3313–3328.

8.Somanath Nayak, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Radha Prasanna, Sunil Mandi, Shamima Parveen, Kirttiranjan Baral, Kadapa Sreenivasa Reddy. 2023. Soil and foliar application of Zn enhances its biofortification, bioavailability and productivity in both biofortified and non-biofortified wheat varieties. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 124: 105691.

  1. Kadapa Sreenivasa Reddy, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Dinesh Kumar, Vijay Pooniya, Radha Prasanna, Manoj Shrivastava, Sunil Mandi, Somanath Nayak, Kirttiranjan Baral. 2024. Relative Performance of Urea and Nano-urea in Conjunction with Zinc Fertilization on Growth, Productivity, and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Spring Wheat. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 1-17.
  2. Kirttiranjan Baral, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Radha Prasanna, Dinesh Kumar, Cherukumalli Srinivasarao, Sunil Mandi, Somanath Nayak, Kadapa Sreenivasa Reddy. 2024. Optimising nitrogen use efficiency of prilled urea through integrated use of nano-ZnO and green manuring for better productivity, quality and nutritional status of Basmati rice crop. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, 1352924.
  3. Kirttiranjan Baral, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Radha Prasanna, Dinesh Kumar, Cherukumalli Srinivasarao, Sunil Mandi, Somanath Nayak, Kadapa Sreenivasa Reddy. 2023. Enhancing physiological metrics, yield, zinc bioavailability, and economic viability of Basmati rice through nano zinc fertilization and summer green manuring in semi–arid South Asian ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1283588.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:





Qualification: M.Sc. (Agricultural Extension) IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Agricultural Extension

Email Address: bhagirath.ext@gmail.com, bhagirath.das@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Nutrition Led Extension, Theory Building, Innovation Decision-making, ICT


Ray, P., Hazarika, J. P., & Das, B. (2020). Performance of financial sectors for agricultural development in west Tripura District of Tripura. Indian Journal of Economics and Development16(2s), 384-389.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. ICAR Post Graduate scholarship (2017) in “Social sciences”
  2. UGC NET Junior Research Fellowship (2018) in “Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy / Non-Formal Education”
  3. Best Paper Award-2020 by Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, New Delhi on the Occasion of 9th National Seminar on “Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022: Challenges, Opportunities and Way Forward”


Qualification: M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics) NDRI, Karnal

Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics) IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Agricultural Economics

Email Address: omprakashniari@gmail.com, omprakashnaik.n@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest: Development economic, Ecosystem valuation, Carbon credits from agriculture, Livestock and dairy economics.


Omprakash Naik N, Prakash Athare, Anbukkani Perumal , and Nandini Saha. (2023). An Agroecological Analysis of Livestock Wealth in India. Indian Journal of Economics and Development. 19. 604-612. 10.35716/IJED-22473.

Babu, R. R., Baishya, L. K., Reddy, A., Pongener, A., HR, R., & Naik N, O. (2024). Climate Change Effects on Sustainable Vegetable Production in India: A Review. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 14(3), 804-814.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. ICAR Junior Research Fellowship (2017) in “Social sciences”
  2. UGC NET Junior Research Fellowship (2019)


Qualification: M.Sc. (Vegetable Science) DRYSR Horticultural University, Andhra Pradesh

Ph.D. (Vegetable Science), Registration at University of Horticultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Research work at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Discipline: Vegetable Science

Email Address: rathod.ramesh89@gmail.com,  ramesh.ramavath1@icar.gov.in

 Area of Interest:  Crop improvement in vegetable crops, Organic farming and protected cultivation of vegetable crops, Preliminary characterization and nutrient profiling of underutilized vegetable crops.


1) Ramavath Ramesh Babu, Prasanna H.C., Aravinda Kumar, J.S., Jyothi kattegoudar, Ranjitha, K. and Hanchinamani, C.N. (2023). Evaluation of tomato lines and hybrids for fruit morphological and processing traits. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 12(10): 375-385.

2) Ramavath Ramesh Babu, Prasanna H.C., Aravinda Kumar, J.S., Jyothi kattegoudar, Ranjitha, K., Sriram, S., Laxman, R.H., Ravi Shankar, K.V. and Hanchinamani, C.N. (2023). Identification of Novel Genotypes Suitable for Processing in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using Genetic variability Studies and Principal Component Analysis. Biological Forum Journal, 15(9): 872-881.

3) Ramesh Babu R and Hariprasad Rao N. (2018). Studies on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Oriental pickling melon genotypes. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (5): 1042-1047.

4) Ramesh Babu R, N Hariprasad Rao and R V S K Reddy (2014). Correlation and Path Analysis in Oriental pickling melon genotypes. Res. j. agric. sci. 5(3): 513-517.

5) Ramesh Babu R, N Hariprasad Rao and R V S K Reddy (2015). Genetic divergence in oriental pickling genotypes. The Andhra Agri.J. 62(2): 413-416.

6) Babu, R. R., Baishya, L. K., Reddy, A., Pongener, A., HR, R., & Naik N, O. (2024). Climate Change Effects on Sustainable Vegetable Production in India: A Review. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 14(3), 804-814.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. ICAR – Senior Research Fellowship in AICE-SRF (PGS)-2018 in Vegetable Science for the Ph.D. degree programme.
  2. National Fellowship for Scheduled Tribe (NF-ST) by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.


Qualification: Ph.D. ICAR IARI New Delhi

M.Sc.  ICAR IARI New Delhi

Discipline: Agricultural Physics

Email Address: sunnyaryasingh@gmail.com,  sunny.arya@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral, Precision Agriculture, High-throughput phenotyping, Digital Agriculture, UAV application


Arya, S., Sandhu, K.S., Singh, J. et al. Deep learning: as the new frontier in high-throughput plant phenotyping. Euphytica 218, 47 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-022-02992-3.

Sahoo, Rabi N., et al. “”Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)–Based Imaging Spectroscopy for Predicting Wheat Leaf Nitrogen.”” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 89.2 (2023): 107-116.

Singh, B., Kumar, S., Elangovan, A., Vasht, D., Arya, S., Duc, N. T., … & Chinnusamy, V. (2023). Phenomics based prediction of plant biomass and leaf area in wheat using machine learning approaches. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1214801.

Biswakarma, N., Tripathi, K., Arya, S., & Harshang, T. Industrial Hemp in India: A Booming Botanical Wonder with Endless Potentials.

ARYA, S., MUKHERJEE, J., SHARMA, A., SEHGAL, V., KRISHNAN, P., BURMAN, M., & DAS, D. (2019). Seasonal Energy Flux Pattern over Irrigated Maize and Wheat under Subtropical Semi-arid Condition using BREB Method. Journal of Agricultural Physics, 19(2), 185-193.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

ICAR National Talent Scholarship,

UGC JRF and NET Environmental Science,

IARI institute Fellowship,

NAHEP CAAST Scholarship,

ARS-NET Agrometeorology,

ARS-NET Soil Sciences.



Qualification: M.Sc. Forestry (Agroforestry), Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (HP)

Discipline: Agroforestry

Email Address: umakanta.dash@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Silviculture, Agroforestry, Forest Ecology, Climate Change , Sustainable agriculture


Dash U, Gupta B, Bhardwaj DR, Sharma P, Kumar D, Chauhan A, Shilpa, Das J. 2024.Tree spacings and nutrient sources effect on turmeric yield, quality, bio‑economics and soil fertility in a poplar‑based agroforestry system in Indian Himalayas.  𝘈𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘚𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘴 98(2):21p.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

ICAR-JRF 2018 (AIR-1) in Forestry/Agroforestry

ICAR-SRF 2021 (AIR-8) in Natural Resources Management-I




Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag.).

Discipline: Environment Science

Email Address: raviteja.machanuru@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Heavy metal pollution, Greenhouse gas emissions, Climate change and adaptation, Crop modelling


Senior Scientist

Qualification: M.Sc. (Computer Application) IARI, New Delhi

Ph.D. (Agricultural Statistics) UBKV, CoochBehar

Discipline: Agricultural Statistics

Email Address: dibyendu.deb@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest: Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing


Deb D., J. P. Singh, S. K. Rai 2014. Usefulness of in-situ hyperspectral data to develop prediction model of dual purpose Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) grown under semi-arid condition of India, Range Management and Agroforestry: 35(1):43-50.

Deb, D., Deb, S., Chakraborty, D., Singh, J.P., Singh, A.K., Dutta, P. and Choudhury, A., 2020. Aboveground biomass estimation of an agro-pastoral ecology in semi-arid Bundelkhand region of India from Landsat data: A comparison of support vector machine and traditional regression models. Geocarto International,  pp.1-14.

Deb, D., J. P. Singh and R. S. Chaurasia, Biomass estimation of Acacia catechu using statistical modelling. 2015, Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 36 (2): 151-155.

Deb, D., Ghosh, A., Singh, J. P. and Chaurasia, R. S., 2016, A study on general allometric relationships developed for biomass estimation in regional scale taking the example of Tectona grandis grown in Bundelkhand region of India, Current Science, 110 (3): 414-419.

Deb, D., J. P. Singh, S. Deb, D. Datta, A. Ghosh and R. S. Chaurasia, 2017, An alternative approach for estimating above ground biomass using Resourcesat-2 satellite data and artificial neural network in Bundelkhand region of India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189: 576

Edna, D. Deb, K. Sridhar, V. Kumar and D. S. Meena, 2018. A regression model to predict seed filling in ruzi grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis). Range Management and Agroforestry, 39(2): 301-306

Deb, S., M. K. Debnath, S. Chakraborty, D. C. Weindorf, D. Kumar, D. Deb, A. Choudhury, 2018. Anthropogenic impacts on forest land use and land cover change: Modelling future possibilities in the Himalayan Terai.  Anthropocene, 21: 32.41

Ahmed A., D. Deb and S. Mondal, 2019. Assessment of rainfall variability and its impact on groundnut yield in Bundelkhand region of India, Current Science, 117(5): 794-803

De, P., Deb, S., Deb, D., Chakraborty, S., Santra, P., Dutta, P., Hoque, A. and Choudhury, A., 2022. Soil quality under different land uses in eastern India: Evaluation by using soil indicators and quality index. Plos one, 17(9), p.e0275062

Verma R, Singh N, Tomar M, Bhardwaj R, Deb D and Rana A. 2022. Deciphering the growth stage specifi bioactive diversity patterns in Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. using multivariate data analysis. Front. Plant Sci. 13:963150. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.963150

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

  • Methodology for estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) of an area from less explored semi-arid Bundelkhand region of India using Support Vector Machine (SVM) in combination with vegetation indices.
  • Development of general allometric relationships for biomass estimation in regional scale (Bundelkhand region)
  • Development of novel approach of coupling remote sensing data with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for predicting above ground biomass of dominant shrub and tree species grown in semi-arid Bundelkhand region of India
  • Allometric models for predicting above ground biomass of dominant shrubland tree species grown in semi-arid Bundelkhand region of India
  • Development of android application: Fodder and forage grasses App. Which is available at Google play store

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  • Best PhD thesis award by Range Management Society of India during its National Conference 2018


Qualification: M.Sc. Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi

Ph.D. Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Plant Biochemistry

Email Address: anshifali47@gmail.com,  ansheef.ali@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Nutritional Biochemistry, Phytochemistry


1) Ali, A., Singh, T., Kumar, R. R., Vinutha, T., Kundu, A., Singh, S. P., & Goswami, S. (2023). Effect of thermal treatments on the matrix components, inherent glycemic potential, and bioaccessibility of phenolics and micronutrients in pearl millet rotis. Food & Function, 14(3), 1595-1607. NAAS RATING – 12.32

2)Ali, A., Kumar, R. R., Bansal, N., Bollinedi, H., Singh, S. P., Satyavathi, C. T., & Goswami, S. (2023). Characterization of biochemical indicators and metabolites linked with rancidity and browning of pearl millet flour during storage. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(1), 121-131. NAAS RATING – 7.53

3) Ali, A., Kumar, R. R., Vinutha, T., Singh, T., Singh, S. P., Satyavathi, C. T., & Goswami, S. (2022). Grain phenolics: critical role in quality, storage stability and effects of processing in major grain crops—a concise review. European Food Research and Technology, 248(8), 2197-2213. NAAS RATING – 9.50

4) Asrani, P., Ali, A., & Tiwari, K. (2023). Millets as an alternative diet for gluten-sensitive individuals: A critical review on nutritional components, sensitivities and popularity of wheat and millets among consumers. Food reviews international, 39(6), 3370-3399. NAAS RATING – 12.04

5) Goswami, S., Asrani, P., & Ansheef Ali, T. P. (2020). Rancidity matrix: development of biochemical indicators for analysing the keeping quality of pearl millet flour. Food Anal Methods 13: 2147–2164. NAAS RATING – 9.50

6) Goswami, S., Vinutha, T., Kumar, R. R., Ali, T. A., Kumar, S. S., Kumar, T. A., & Praveen, S. (2024). Effect of different degrees of decortication on pearl millet flour shelf life, iron and zinc content. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127, 105927. NAAS RATING – 10.52

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:



Qualification: Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) , ICAR IARI New Delhi

M.Sc. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) , ICAR IARI New Delhi

Discipline: Genetics and Plant Breeding

Email Address: abhijith.kp@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Molecular Breeding, GWAS, Rice Breeding


1.Abhijith, K. P., Gopala Krishnan, S., Ravikiran, K. T., Dhawan, G., Kumar, P., Vinod, K. K., … & Singh, A. K. (2022). Genome-wide association study reveals novel genomic regions governing agronomic and grain quality traits and superior allelic combinations for Basmati rice improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 994447

2.Abhijith, K. P., Muthusamy, V., Chhabra, R., Dosad, S., Bhatt, V., Chand, G., … & Hossain, F. (2020). Development and validation of breeder-friendly gene-based markers for lpa1-1 and lpa2-1 genes conferring low phytic acid in maize kernel. 3 Biotech, 10, 1-12.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. Best poster award at MendelSym 2022: Symposium Commemorating Birth Bicentenary of

Gregor Johann Mendel, New Delhi, India: for the poster titled “Development and genome wide

assessment of elite genotypes for enhancement of heterosis in Basmati rice”

  1. First prize in Poster presentation at the international conference on “Future challenges and

prospects in Plant Breeding” Issued by ISPB · Oct 2021- on “Development and

characterization of diverse Basmati restorers and maintainers”.

  1. IARI senior fellowship for PhD (2018-2021)
  2. ICAR- JRF Fellowship for MSc (2016-2018)
  3. National Talent Search Fellowship (2012-2016)


Qualification: M.Sc. (Entomology) PJTSAU, Hyderabad

 Discipline: Entomology

Email Address: kcsahoo1996@gmail.com

Area of Interest:  Insect Diversity, Insect Taxonomy (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)



Qualification: Ph.D. (Agril. Microbiology) UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru

Discipline: Agricultural Microbiology

Email Address: mythra.r@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Soil Microbiology, Plant Microbe interaction

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

ICAR Senior Research Fellowship in PhD


Mythra, R., Srikanth, G. S.,   Jagadeesh, U.,  Bhagyashree, K. B., &   Manjunath, A.  (2022). Effect of AM fungus on phosphorus nutrition of maize and pigeon pea in alfisols as influenced by different phosphorus amendments of North Carolina Rock Phosphate (NCRP). Kavaka, 58 (4), 28-35.

Mythra, R., & Krishna naik, L.  (2023). Isolation and Screening of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for drought tolerance in green gram (Vigna radiata L.). Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 57(1), 159-167

Mythra, R., Srikanth, G. S., Praveen ranadev, & L. Krishna naik. (2023). Screening of efficient drought tolerant arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Biological forum- An international journal, 15(8), 130-134.

Jagadeesh, U., Mythra, R., Prathima, M. N., Bhagyashree, K. B., Ashoka, S., Srikanth, G. S., & Suvarna, V. C. (2022). Effect of fermentation period on alcohol content, pH, TSS and titrable acidity during microbial processing of coconut water for the development of coconut wine.  Asian journal dairy and food research, 1-7.

Srikanth, G. S.,  Mythra, R.,  Jagadeesh, U., Nakul kale, Bhagyashree, K. B., &  Nagaraju, K. (2023). Estimation of plant growth promoting traits of bacterial endophytes isolated from potato plants. Biological forum- An international journal, 15(7)205-209.




Qualification: M.Sc. (Plant Pathology), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Plant Pathology

Email Address: akshaykumar1997d@gmail.com,  akshay.hm@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Fungal pathology


  1. Akshay Kumar, H. M., Aggarwal, R., Gurjar, M. S., Vinod, Laxman Prasad and Saharan, M.S. (2021). Identification of Fusarium head blight resistant sources in wheat under artificially inoculated condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6), 91-96. (NAAS-6.37).
  2. Singh Asmita, Priya Chandra, Amar Bahadur, Prasenjit Debnath, Gopala Krishnan Subbaiyan, Ranjith K. Ellur, Prashantha Siddappa Tadasanahaller, Akshay Kumar Hosahalli Manjunath, Gaurav Kumar Yadav, and Bishnu Maya Bashyal. (2024). Assessment of morpho-cultural, genetic and pathological diversity of Rhizoctonia solani isolates obtained from different host plants. Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(1), 67-82. (NAAS-7.8).
  3. Saharan, M. S., Akshay Kumar, H. M., Gurjar, M. S. and Aggarwal, R. (2021).Fusarium head blight of wheat in India‐variability in pathogens associated and sources of resistance: an overview. Indian Phytopathology, 74(2), 345-353. (NAAS-5.95).

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. IARI merit medal
  2. ICAR- JRF




Qualification: M.Sc.(Floriculture and Landscaping), G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

Ph.D. (Floriculture and Landscaping) Dr.Y.S.R Horticultural University,  Andhra Pradesh

Discipline: Floriculture and Landscaping

Email Address: sumalatha.a@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Marigold breeding, Orchid Microbiome conservation, Seed certification standards for annual flower crops


Sumalatha, A., Chandana, B. R., Dedhia, L., Reddy, D. L., Arivalagan, M., Bhaskar, V. V., & Tejaswini, P. (2023). Comparative analysis of BLUP and GCA for parental selection in marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) for hybrid development. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(2).

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

Prime Minister Fellowship for doctoral research February 2020.

ICAR-SRF AIR 1 in 2019

ICAR-JRF AIR 23 in 2016



Qualification: Ph.D (Post  Harvest Technology), IARI New Delhi

M.Sc. (Pomology), PAU Ludhiana

Discipline: Horticulture-Fruit Science

Email Address: alemwati@gmail.com

Area of Interest:  Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops; Documentation, biochemical profiling and popularization of wild underutilized fruits and edible plants; Entrepreneurship development in the horticultural enterprise


G Kumar, V Nath, U Mandal, DR Sena, A Pongener, R Ranjan, M Madhu (2023) Climate and soil suitability zonation for Litchi (Litchi chinensis) in India using geo-science tool-based analytical hierarchy process. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 26 (3), 581-594.

A Pongener, V Sagar, RK Pal, R Asrey, RR Sharma, SK Singh (2014) Physiological and quality changes during postharvest ripening of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) Fruits 69 (1), 19-30.

N Lal, A Pongener, A Kumar, SD Pandey (2023) Studies on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn.) Fruit Cultivars Under Field Conditions

National Academy Science Letters 46 (1), 7-10.

N Lal, A Singh, A Kumar, ES Marboh, AK Gupta, A Pongener, V Nath, SD Pandey (2023) Hurdles in developing hybrids: experience from a decade of hybridization in litchi. Euphytica 219 (10), 106.

SP Singh, MK Saini, J Singh, A Pongener, GS Sidhu (2014) Preharvest application of abscisic acid promotes anthocyanins accumulation in pericarp of litchi fruit without adversely affecting postharvest quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology 96, 14-22.

A Pongener, BVC Mahajan, H Singh (2011). Effect of different packaging films on storage life and quality of peach fruits under cold storage conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture 68 (2), 240-245.

A Pongener, SK Purbey, K Puja, V Nath (2018) Salicylic acid maintains membrane stability and reduces pericarp browning in litchi. Acta Horticulturae 1211, 45-52.           

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

Litchi Fruit Maturity Kit

Postharvest Protocol for enhancing shelf life of litchi

Process for preparation of value-added products of litchi

Development and refinement of bunch bagging to improve quality of litchi fruit



Qualification: Ph.D. (Seed Science and Technology) IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Seed Science and Technology

Email Address: bhushanravi72@gmail.com 

Area of Interest:  Heat Stress, Seed production, Maintenance Breeding, Seed quality parameter like physiological and biochemical properties of seed

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

ICAR JRF-2014 (Rank-13)

ICAR-SRF- 2016- (Rank-2)



Best Poster Presentation


Head, Animal, Poultry & Fisheries Sciences Division

Qualification: Ph.D. (Food Science & Technology) PSU, Thailand

Discipline: Fish Processing Technology

Email Address: balangeamjad@gmail.com

Area of Interest: Fish Processing, Food Science, Food Chemistry, Fish Microbiology, Value addition.


  1. Balange A.K & Benjakul S (2009). Enhancement of gel strength of bigeye snapper (Priacanthus tayenus) surimi using oxidized phenolic compounds. Food Chemistry, 113(1): 61-70 (NAAS rating- 14.80).
  2. Balange A.K & Benjakul S (2009). Effect of oxidised tannic acid on the gel properties of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) mince and surimi prepared by different washing processes. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(7): 1693-1701(NAAS rating- 16.70).
  3. Balange A.K & Benjakul S (2009). Effect of oxidised phenolic compounds on the gel property of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) surimi. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(6): 1059-1064 (NAAS rating- 12.00).
  4. Balange A.K & Benjakul S (2009). Use of kiam wood extract as gel enhancer for mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) surimi. International journal of food science & technology, 44(8): 1661-1669 (NAAS rating- 9.30).
  5. Balange A.K & Benjakul S (2011). Effect of kiam wood extract as influenced by pH during oxygenation on mackerel surimi gel. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 35(2): 574-595 (NAAS rating- 10.00).
  6. RP Deepitha, K.A. Martin Xavier, Porayil Layana, B B Nayak, and A K Balange* (2021). Quality improvement of pangasius fillets using aqueous seaweed (Padina tetrastromatica) extract LWT – Food Science and Technology 135: 110418 (Ms.doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110418 (NAAS rating- 12.00). .
  7. M. Bhargavi Priyadarshini, K.A. Martin Xavier, Vignaesh Dhanabalan, Binaya Bhusan Nayak & Amjad Khansaheb Balange* (2021). Development of ready-to-cook shrimp analogue from surimi: Effect of natural plant extracts on the chemical quality during refrigerated storage LWT – Food Science and Technology 135: 110239 doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110239 (NAAS rating- 12.00).
  8. Bhargavi Priyadarshini, K.A. Martin Xavier, Binaya Bhusan Nayak, Kandan Dhanapal, Amjad Khansaheb Balange* (2017). Instrumental quality attributes of single washed surimi gels of Tilapia: Effect of different washing media LWT – Food Science and Technology 86: 385-392(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2017.08.022) (NAAS rating- 12.00).
  9. Md. Aman Hassan, Deepitha Raghuvaran, K. A. Martin Xavier, Subodh Gupta, Binaya Bhusan Nayak and Amjad Khansaheb Balange* (2018).Evaluation of the properties of spray dried visceral protein hydrolysate from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1978) extracted by enzymatic and chemical methods. Waste and biomass valorization DOI: 10.1007/s12649-018-0302-1 (NAAS rating- 09.20).
  10. Chongtham Baru Singh, K.A. Martin Xavier, Geetanjali Deshmukhe, Venkateshwarlu Gudipati, Snehal S. Shitole, Amjad K. Balange* (2018). Fortification of extruded product with brown seaweed (Sargassum tenerrimum) and its process optimization by response surface methodology. Waste and Biomass Valorization.9 (5): 755–764 (DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-9831-2) (NAAS rating- 09.20).

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

  • Nanochitin synthesis from shrimp shell waste chitin: Methodology
  • Application of chitosan gel for enhancing the quality and shelf life of emulsion sausage:
  • Process
  • Bioactive protein hydrolysate from paste shrimp: Product
  • Laminated Bombay Duck: Product (Commercialized)
  • Prawn Pickle: Product (Commercialized)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  • Recipient of the Development of Excellency in Agro-Industry Fellowship from the Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand
  • MFSc-Gold Medal from Dr BS Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra, India
  • Excellent Ph D Thesis Award with Gold Medal from Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hat Yai, Thailand
  • ICAR-CIFE Annual Award-Best Young Faculty Award for the year 2013-14.
  • ICAR-CIFE Annual Award-Best Scientist Award for the year 2019-20

Principal Scientist (Aquaculture)

Qualification: MFSc (Aquaculture), PhD

Discipline: Aquaculture & Fisheries

Email Address: deepjyoti.baruah@icar.org.in  

Area of Interest: Aquaculture. Fish Biology, Fisheries Resource Mgt., Fisheries Extension

(1) Shahi, M., Sarma, D., Singh, B., Mallik, S.K., Baruah, D., Posti, R., Haldar, R., Linthoingambi, I. (2023). Characterizing the Dark Mahseer, Naziritor chelynoides (McClelland, 1839): A Morphological, Osteological, and Molecular Approach. Genetics of Aquatic Organisms, 7(2), GA601. https://doi.org/10.4194/GA601

(2) Ganie, P.A., Posti, R., Baruah, D., Kunal, K., Garima, K., Sarma, D. and Pandey, P.K. (2022). Land suitability modelling for rainbow trout farming in the Eastern Himalayan Region, India, using GIS–MCE approach, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9: 2437–2462 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01631-z

(3) Joshi, V., Akhtar, M.S., Sharma, P., Kushwaha, S.S., Baruah, D., Alexander, C., Pande, V. and Sarma, D. (2017). Himalayan fish manifest higher potential of quality nutrients for human health, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technolog, 26(7): 843–855 https://doi.org/10.1080/10498850.2017.1340916

(4) Baruah, D., Das, S.K., Baruah, K.K., Ahmed, F.A. and Saikia, A. (2015). Growth performance of Chinese carps on feeding varying levels of protein under coldwater farming system in Arunachal Pradesh, North-east India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62(3): 113-117.

(5) Baruah, D., Dutta, A. and Pravin, P. (2013) Traditional fish trapping devices and methods in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 12 (1): 123-129 .

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

(1) Received the “Second Best Oral Presentation Award” for the presentation on “Fish aggregating structures: A strategic approach of aquatic resource utilization in uplands of Arunachal Pradesh” in the International conference on ‘Natural Farming for Revitalizing Environment and Resilient Agriculture (NF-RERA – 2023)’ during 17-19 March 2023 at College of Agriculture, Iroisemba, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur.

(2) Received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” for the presentation on “Endemic ichthyofauna of North-east India” in the technical session “Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment, Management and Conservation” organized by Indian Ecological Society Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference: An Ecological Perspective (IESFAC) in collaboration with Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana, Punjab during 22-24 February 2023.

(3) Received “Outstanding Scientist Award”at 3rd International Conference on Global Initiatives Agricultural, Forestry and Applied Sciences (Theme: Food Security, Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development) during 17-18 October 2021, organized by Agricultural & Environmental Technology DevelopmentSociety (AETDS), U.S. Nagar, UK, India

(4) Received “Mahima Agricultural Excellence Scientist Award” at International Conference on Recent Advances in Agriculture, Engineering and Biotechnology for Food Security during 25-26 September 2021, organized by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare 194, Karaundi, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, UP, India



Qualification: M.Tech (Dairy Technology) NDRI, Karnal, Ph.D (Dairy Technology) NDRI, Karnal

Discipline: Dairy Technology

Email Address: madhav.chaudhary5@gmail.commadhabhai.chaudhary@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest:  Milk and Milk Product Process optimization, Traditional Dairy Products, Food Packaging, Food Safety Management System, Shelf-life extension, Fermented Food, Food Safety Regulations and Enforcement


1) M. B. Chaudhary and C.N. Pagote (2015) Development of technology for khoa jalebi dry mix studies on formulation, packaging and shelf life. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 68 (2): 206-217. 

2) Anil Shete, M.B.Chaudhary, C.N.Pagote and K. Jayaraj Rao.(2016) Effect of sugar substitutes on shelf life of the khoa jalebi. Indian Journal of Dairy and Biosciences. Vol. 27:6-12. 

3) M.B.Chaudhary, K. Jayaraj Rao and Harin Sutariya (2020)  Characterization of  Mohanthal – A traditional sweet from Gujarat, India. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 73(3): 192-200.

4) M.B.Chaudhary, K.Jayaraj Rao and Asha Ashok (2022) Moisture sorption characteristics of Mohanthal, a chickpea flour (besan) based traditional dairy product. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, Vol.75(4):306-313. 

5) R. Kumar, D. Mishra, H. Sutariya, M.B. Chaudhary, K. J. Rao (2019) Effect of different coagulants on the yield, sensory, instrumental colour and textural characteristics of cow’s milk Paneer. International journal of dairy technology. Vol.72(4): 617-625.

6) B Pushpalatha, NM Jabeen, MB Chaudhary, KJ Rao (2022) Optimization of Ingredients for Preparation of Turmeric Milk. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 12-27.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

PhD Dissertation on Shelf-life study of Mohanthal along with Institute Name was quoted on front page of Divya-Bhaskar (Leading Gujarati News Paper) as a reference point to resolve dispute between Shree Ambaji Temple Administration (Govt. of Gujarat) and Devotees 

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

M.R. Srinivasan Award,

Merit Certificate in Master Degree



Qualification: Ph.D (Livestock Production Management), CVSc & AH, Anand, Kamdhenu University, Gujarat

Discipline: Livestock Production Management

Email Address: manish.pandey@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest: Livestock feeding, breeding, reproduction and economics

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. ICAR-JRF/SRF (PGS-2018).
  2. Teaching and Research Assistant-ship during MVSc (Livestock Production Management) program at GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
  3. Best Young Scientist Award-2021 for oral presentation on Response of feeding Rice DDGS … heifers in National seminar on innovative biotechnological Approaches for enhancing …economy by Society for Veterinary Science and Biotechnology, Indore during 17-18 December 2021.
  4. 2nd Prize in oral presentation in State level convention on Doubling farmers income through recourse management and rural prosperity held on 12-13 October, 2019 at AAU, Anand Gujarat, India.
  5. Presented idea on Mobile app: e-pashu prabhandhan in National Level Hackathon on Smart and Remunerative farming held at Navsary Agriculture University on March 5, 2022.


Qualification: M.F.Sc.(Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)

Discipline: Fish Nutrition

Email Address: dauruhi.pde@icar.gov.in  dauruhipde@gmail.com

Area of Interest:  Nutritional and Digestive Physiology, Minor Carp Nutrition, Novel Ingredient Physiological Influence



Qualification:  M.V.Sc., (Poultry Science), KVASU, Kerala, Ph.D.

Discipline: Poultry Science

Email Address: azhagurajamano@gmail.com

Area of Interest:  Avian Molecular Genetics and Genomics


  1. Azhaguraja Manoharan, S.Sankaralingam, P.Anitha, Binoj Chacko & T.V. Aravindakshan. (2020). Identification of 24bp indel(s) polymorphism in the promoter region of prolactin gene and its association with Broodiness in Tellicherry native chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 55(10): 1137-1140.DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4158. (NAAS: 6.44)
  2. Azhaguraja Manoharan, S.Sankaralingam, P.Anitha, Binoj Chacko & T.V. Aravindakshan. (2021). Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism C 2161G at the promoter region of prolactin gene and its association with egg production in Tellicherry native chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Research.57(8): 1101-1104. DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4370.(NAAS: 6.44)
  3. Azhaguraja Manoharan, S.Sankaralingam, P.Anitha, Binoj Chacko & T.V. Aravindakshan.(2021). PCR-RFLP Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) C-2402T at the Promoter Region of Prolactin Gene and its Association with Positively Correlated Production Traits in White Leghorn Chicken. DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4391. (NAAS: 6.44)
  4. Azhaguraja Manoharan, S.Sankaralingam, P.Anitha, Binoj Chacko & T.V. Aravindakshan. (2021). Characterization of 24bp Insertion Polymorphism of Prolactin Gene and its Association with Quantitative Traits in Tellicherry Native Chicken Breed. 58(3): 376-380.DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4479. (NAAS: 6.44)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. Awarded First prize for the Best oral presentation for the clinical study in 6th international clinical case conference at MVC, Chennai, TANUVAS [2014-215].
  2. Received Third Best oral presentation for the paper presented in Avian Medicine session in ISVM conference at VCRI, Thirunelveli, TANUVAS [2017].
  3. Awarded First prize (Gold medal) for the Best oral presentation for the paper presented in Exotic Pet & Avian Practice session in 9th clinical case conference at MVC, Chennai, TANUVAS [2017].
  4. Recipient of Avitech Young Scientist Award for the best research paper presentation in IPSACON, ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, Andaman [2018].
  5. Recipient of Dr. P. Kothandaraman Memorial Award for the best research paper presentation in IPSACON, DUVASU, Mathura [2022].


Qualification:  Ph.D. (Animal Nutrition), ICAR-IVRI, Bareilly

Discipline: Animal Nutrition

Email Address: bornalee16@gmail.com   

Area of Interest:  Ruminant nutrition, Unconventional feedstuffs, Feed Technology, Metagenomics etc.


1) Handique, Bornalee; Singh, P; Verma, A. K. and Devi, Y. R. (2023). The effect of seaweed formulations on in vitro fermentation, nutrient utilization and growth performance in crossbred calves. Veterinarski Arhiv, 93 (5), 513-524. DOI: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.1858.

2) Maurya, L. K; Saha, S. K. and Handique, Bornalee. (2022). Effect of supplementation of sugarcane press mud on haematological, blood biochemical parameters and immune response of crossbred calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research, DOI: 10.188805/IJAR.b-4847.

3) Handique, Bornalee; Singh, P and Verma, A. K. (2022). Effect of supplementation of seaweed formulations on haematological, blood biochemical parameters and immune response in crossbred calves Indian Journal of Animal Research. DOI:10.18805/IJAR.B-4947.

4) Handique, Bornalee; Singh, P and Verma, A. K. (2021). Effect of dietary supplementation of seaweed formulations on nutrient utilization, growth performance, serum antioxidant activity and immunity in crossbred calves Indian Journal of Animal Research. DOI:10.18805/IJAR.B-4947

5) Handique, Bornalee; Saikia, G; Dowarah, R; Saikia, B. N. and Mahanta, J. D. (2019). Effect of Supplementation of Synthetic Lysine and Methionine on Growth, Serum Biochemical Profile, Carcass Characteristics and Meat Composition in Broiler Chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 36 (1), 40-46.

6) Yongkhom, R; Singh, Putan; Muwel, N; Raje, K; Handique, Bornalee. and Venkateswaran, K. (2019). Effect of Supplementation of Brown Seaweed on Blood Biochemical and Serum Mineral Profile in Adult Goats. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 36 (1), 103-106.

7) Yongkhom, R; Singh, P; Verma, A. K. and Handique, Bornalee. (2020). Effect of Supplementing Molasses Based Multi-Nutrient Liquid Supplement (MMLS) on Nutrient Intake, Digestibility and Growth Performance of Buffalo Calves. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 37 (1), 9-13.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

1) Dr. S. P. Arora best paper award from Animal Nutrition Society of India in the year 2019

2) Sri Awadhesh Kumar Singh Memorial Award from Pashudhan Praharee in the year 2019

3) Institutional Fellowship for PhD at IVRI 2017-2021.


 Principal Scientist

Qualification: M.E.(Ag.), TNAU, Coimbatore, Ph.D. (Ag.), TNAU, Coimbatore

Discipline: Land &Water Management Engineering

Email Address: smaniicar1997@gmail.com

Area of Interest: • Hydrology
• Soil and water conservation
• Rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge
• Landslide management
• Watershed and water management planning
• Application of geotextiles for soil and water conservation
• Rehabilitation of heavy metal contaminated soil

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

  1. Bio-engineering in-situ soil and water conservation measures for cashew and standardization of the dimensions and specifications.
  2. Package and practices for biological reclamation of Iron Ore Overburdens have been developed with horticultural crops
  3. Standardizing dimensions for micro-scale water harvesting structures and Suitable lining materials.
  4. Soil and water conservation measures with vegetative barriers to improve carbon sequestration and soil quality.
  5. Standardization of jute geo-textiles for hill slope stabilization
  6. Technology on multiple water use system suitable for small farmers of hilly region

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. Vasantrao Naik Award for outstanding research applications in dry land agriculture during the year 2009 by ICAR
  2. Leadership Award – 2017 from Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi
  3. National Fellow of SCSI – 2018 from Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi
  4. IASWC Fellow 2019 from Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists, Dehradun.
  5. Commendation Medal Award from Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers for the year 2020
  6. Distinguished Service Certificate Award – 2015 by Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers.


Qualification:  Ph.D. (Process & Food Engineering), GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand

Discipline: Agriculture Structure & Process Engineering

Email Address: gaibimeipalmei@gmail.com    

Area of Interest:  Drying Technology, Extractions of pigments and proteins, Product development, Process optimization, Food Engineering, Food Waste


  1. Kumar S, Chandra A, Nema PK, Sharanagat VS, Kumar S and Gaibimei P. 2022. Optimization of the frying process in relation to quality characteristics of Khaja (A traditional sweet). Journal of Food Science &Technology. 59(11): 4352-4361. (NAAS rating: 9.10)
  2. Gaibimei P., Singh A., Shahi. N. C., Chand K., Kumar S., Semwal P., Alomar T. S., Masoud T. S. and Rauf A. 2024. Screening of Chemical Composition of Black Soybean Hulls: A Comparative Study of Different Extraction Techniques. Plant Biosystems – An International Journal Dealing with All Aspects of Plant Biology. 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2024.2336382 (NAAS rating: 8)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc.:

Khan Chand, Gurupreet, Asfaq and Palmei Gaibimei. 2023. Pedal Operated Dehuller for Black Soyabean. (UK Design No. 6315431).



Qualification:  M.Sc. (Horticulture) Post Harvest Technology, NAU, Gujarat

Ph.D (On going) (Post Harvest Technology), IARI, New Delhi

Discipline: Horticulture- Fruit Science

Email Address: raghavendra.r1@icar.gov.in

Area of Interest: Postharvest management, value addition and waste valorization of Fruit crops.


  1. Sethi, S., Joshi, A., Kumar, M., Raghavendra, H. R., Pooja, B. K., Nayak, S. L. and Chauhan, O. P. (2023). Phenolic and antioxidant capacity retention of potato peel waste as a function of cultivar, pretreatment and drying procedure. Defence Life Science Journal, 8(1), 71-82.
  1. Raghavendra, H. R., Sethi, S., Bhowmik, A., Varghese, E. and Joshi, A. (2022). Phenolics from potato peel and its extraction intensification using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm approach. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(1), 83-90.
  1. Raghavendra, H. R., Desai, C., Mayani, J. and Patil, S. (2021). Standardization of Banana fruit (Musa paradisiaca L.) and pseudostem central core blended jam. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 10(2); 465-470.
  1. Raghavendra, H. R., Desai, C., Madhusudan, R. and Hari, V. (2021). Effect of blending proportion on sensory appeal of banana fruit (Musa paradisiaca L.) and pseudostem central core blended jam. Int. J. Chem. Studies, 9(1): 3423-3427.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship:

  1. Awarded JRF Fellowship from ICAR by securing 31st AIR.
  2. In 2018, I was awarded the Kalpatharu Gold Medal by NAU for achieving the highest OGPA in my M.Sc. studies.
  3. In 2019, I received the IARI Merit Scholarship and am now pursuing a Ph.D. in Post Harvest Technology.