ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Assam


Education: Graduate/Post-Graduate

  • Promote excellence, foster high standard research for holistic agrarian development and orient the educational programme towards future needs and opportunities in South East Asia.
  • Strengthen formal/non-formal training to promote entrepreneurial skills for commercialization of agriculture in the region through different diploma courses in the line of polytechnics.


  • Conservation and utilization of biotic resources of northeast India for higher farm productivity and industrial uses.
  • Acid soil management vis-à-vis development of crop varieties and technologies suitable for acidic soil of northeast India.
  • Productive utilization of water resources through multi-disciplinary research on excess water management through drainage and other means, water harvesting, micro-irrigation etc. for enhancing WUE to achieve higher factor productivity in agriculture of North-East India.
  • Develop appropriate cropping systems to attain multiple cropping for increasing productivity with long term sustainability in the NorthEastern states.
  • Develop integrated farming system models through appropriate recycling of the bio-resources to promote organic agriculture keeping in view of the specific requirements of the region.
  • Develop horticulture and animal husbandry-based diversified farming system modules to promote rural entrepreneurship.
  • Effective postharvest management and value addition using appropriate food engineering protocols to enhance farm income and promote agribusiness.
  • Market and policy research to augment income of different stakeholders in agriculture


  • Generate innovative extension models, dovetail them to developmental models, and disseminate them through KVKs, state agricultural universities and state agricultural extension and other development departments of different states of the North-East India.
  • Promote client oriented on-farm/farm innovation research and technology assessment, refinement and transfer through participatory approaches on convergence mode.
  • Foster development in communication research and linkages with rural development programmes and strengthen micro-planning through inter-departmental and participatory approaches